DCI Banks - Buried
Left Bank Pictures
Dir. Craig Pickles
I've produced Storyboards for various episodes of DCI Banks, all of which centre around a vehicle pursuit involving police cars and helicopters.
The boards I've worked on for DCI Banks actually give a good example of some of the major benefits Storyboards bring to productions.
Pursuits such as car chases can be tricky and dangerous to film, so planning ahead with Storyboards, breaking down what shots you require in advance can help in the construction of a shooting schedule, particularly when public roads are to be used for filming locations. It also helps reduce the risk of damage to the vehicles, injury and possible fatalities to cast and crew.
Also, Storyboards help to keep general costs down. The use of a helicopter is not cheap, neither is keeping it in the air as fuelling it is quite expensive. Planning what footage you require both of the craft and from it (of the action on the ground below), is a huge help.
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